Check out our new collection. Introducing The Tin Wall. Metal signs for your man cave or garage.

Standing At Gate Jack Skellington Halloween Town Nightmare Before Christmas 18MM - 20MM Snap Jewelry Charm

Sale price $5.00 Regular price $10.00

Nightmare Before Christmas Snap Charm for Ginger Snap Noosa and any other snap jewelry items size 18MM - 20MM charms. I also have snaps for sale that represent all holidays, awareness items, and much much more!.  Cancer, Autism, Nursing, Religious, Peace, New Years, Valentines Day, St Patricks Day, Easter, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Perfect gift for yourself or someone else who likes to represent the holidays.  One snap jewelry necklace or bracelet can turn into a different piece of jewelry for every holiday.  Show your love for the holidays with this beautiful glass charm. 3D Rhinestone Drill Snaps Chunk Bracelets Charm Button Fit For Noosa Leather Bracelets, necklaces, earrings, sunglasses, rings, pendants and key chain tags. Create your own jewelry in a snap with this beautiful fashion jewelry. I offer free shipping to the United States only.

I make these snaps by hand out of my Indiana home.  All snaps are made with care.

Thank you for checking out my beautiful classy fashion interchangeable snap jewelry! I have many of these sets myself and I wear them while riding on my Harley Davidson Motorcycle, sitting on a beach by the ocean in between scuba diving and snorkeling, and with a sundress going to church. This jewelry is so versatile it can be worn for any occasion!